Monday, May 3, 2010

Just Lost The Mood...~

It's 5.32 pm and i started to feel bored here...
All alone downstairs in the living room....
Huhu.... come on zila.....
Stay focus on what are you reading...
You have to study IM....
It's just around the corner.....
Two more papers to go....
Then only you can go back to JB....
Come on... Come on... Come on....
p/s: Congrats Dida!!! Hehe...My liltle sis have got an offer to continue her study at the same place as me... Hopefully I don't have to babysit or what so ever since she's big enough to survive by herself in a new environment... i have to teach her to be independent... Well.... it's okay if she really need my help or guidance... But not to the extend like " My big sis will help me in EVERYTHING" right???

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